The Maximum QACA Automatic Increase Percentage is Movin’ on Up
A Brief Summary of Recently Issued IRS Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan Guidance
For those of you who have been following along at home (literally these days), you know that the SECURE Act, which was passed only at the end of last year (though it feels like forever ago), instituted a wide range of retirement plan changes, including a number of changes with respect to safe harbor 401(k) plans. On December 9, 2020, the IRS issued guidance on these safe harbor changes in the form of Notice 2020-86.
More specifically, the SECURE Act (in part): (1) increased the maximum automatic contribution percentage for qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) safe harbor 401(k) plans from 10% to 15%; (2) provided plan sponsors the ability to implement a retroactive safe harbor nonelective contribution during a plan year (generally provided the plan is amended at least 30 days before the end of the plan year); and (3) eliminated the safe harbor notice requirement for most plans with safe harbor nonelective contributions. The Notice, in Q&A format, provides additional guidance on each of these SECURE Act changes. A brief summary of the key provisions of the Notice follows. Read more